CBCEDA - Economic Times


The Cluster Concept, the foundation for the Cape Breton County Economic Development Authority's Strategic Economic Action Plan, is the recommendation that cites the economy of Cape Breton should be grouped into three principal clusters where there is the greatest opportunity for dramatic real growth in job creation. These "clusters" are Tourism/Heritage/Lifestyle, Knowledge Based, and Government Services with Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry as a secondary cluster.

[Image: Mark Frison and Joella Foulds]

Youth Representative, Mark Frison, looks on as Joella Foulds, Co-chair for Tourism/Heritage.Lifestyle Cluster, offeres suggestions for the direction of this cluster during her presentation

Each cluster was represented at the summit by one to three co-chairs. These co-chairs offered enthusiastic presentations expressing the importance and future direction of their respective cluster.

The Tourism/Heritage/Lifestyle Cluster focused on how to sell Cape Breton as a destination; opportunities for music, film, and performing arts development; the linkage and marketability of crafts, culture, heritage, and our lifestyle. Joella Foulds, a cluster co-chair, making some suggestions for the music industry, "....we have to endorse entertainment as a full-fledged industry. It creates real jobs, the dollars are real dollars, and the spin-offs are real. We have to look at artists and musicians as business people. Their collateral is their talent, their training and their drive; and many of them have ten to twenty years invested in training. We have to support the sectors of the industry that are underdeveloped that are causing our artists to leave the area and take the money with them."

Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry Cluster addressed increased competition, implications of Free Trade, the need for cluster support for training and research and development. Opportunities for new business start-ups were explored in the Knowledge Based Cluster along with the integration of technology into "everyday" life.

Ken MacLeod for the Knowledge Based Cluster noted, "How can we (Cape Breton County) get a bigger slice of that huge economic pie? Cape Breton County will need development in three areas - technological infrastructure, the educational environment, and the knowledge based business environment."

In relation to the Knowledge Based Cluster, Dr. Jacquelyn Scott spoke on the role of the University College of Cape Breton in economic development. Dr. Scott said, "UCCB, with additional investment in science and technology infrastructure, will have the ability to provide the necessary support to encourage job creation in Knowledge Based Cluster."

Mr. Stephen Drake, Chair of Organized Labour, emphasized the importance of supporting the local entrepreneurs while continuing to work to maintain our traditional industries such as coal steel. He spoke about labour's buying power and its skilled, reliable work force.

Private sector spoke of Globalization/Trade along with Technical and Traditional Infrastructure and explored how it fits into the "new economy."

Education and Youth shared their views on the role of entrepreneurship, integration of science and technology and how they must prepare for the new economy. Mr. Mark Frison, Chair for Youth, stated, "Given the long-term nature of the process, I believe that there should be a strong role for youth in the development of any strategy.

The youth of this area will eventually be the individuals who will either suffer the consequences or reap the benefits of whatever strategies we adopt or plans we develop."

After the cluster presentation concluded, an open forum of discussion took place allowing the co-chairs to direct questions from their support groups to other cluster co-chairs or directly to either Minister Dingwall or Minister Boudreau.

The highlight of the day was the Key Stakeholders (Federal, Provincial, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, UCCB and CBCEDA) speaking specifically to their roles and the recommendations they have assumed responsibility for in support of the Strategic Economic Action Plan.

It is this Strategic Economic Action Plan that will blend recommendations and partners together to create job opportunities for the citizens of Cape Breton.

A response from the Private Sector concluded with their support of the initiatives and commitment to partner. Mr. Martin Chernin concluded, "I think we have it right this time. You have asked our opinions and have told us we should hold you accountable to deliver on the recommendations. If the recommendations are endorsed, we will see a more varied and more productive economy."

Announcement of the Authority's new Board Structure was presented. The "Economic Summit" closed with a summation by co-chairs, Minister Bernie Boudreau and Minister David C. Dingwall.

*Economic Times*
Strategic Planning Process Pg. 1
Cluster Presentations Pg. 2
Provincial Response Pg. 3
Federal Response Pg. 4
Comments & Reactions Pg. 5
History of CBCEDA Pg. 6
Bringing People Home for the Summer Pg. 7
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